Residential Appraisals

Kemp Appraisal Ltd. is a residential real estate appraisal firm providing home appraisals throughout Winnipeg and surrounding rural areas. We have been appraising homes in Manitoba for 16 years (with over 50+ years previous history through Morden & Kemp Ltd). Great customer service is fundamental to our business. We provide accurate market valuations for real estate listings and sales, mortgage financing, refinancing, new construction, foreclosure, divorce/separation, estates, litigation, expropriation, multi-family up to 4 units (duplex, fourplex), relocations, and portfolio/investment assessments.
Areas of coverage
Kemp Appraisal covers Winnipeg, Headingley, Elie, St Francois Xavier, RM Cartier, Starbuck, RM Macdonald, Oak Bluff, Stonewall, Stony Mountain, Warren, Teulon, Gimli, Winnipeg Beach, Matlock, RM West St Paul, East St Paul, Selkirk, East Selkirk, RM Springfield, RM St Clements, Oakbank, Dugald, Beausejour, Anola, RM Alexander, Victoria Beach, Traverse Bay, Albert Beach, Belair, Hillside Beach, Lester Beach, Grand Beach, Grand Marais, Balsam Harbour, Lakeshore Heights, Gull Lake and Pine Falls/Powerview.

Eastern Beaches of Lake Winnipeg - Residential/Cottage Property Valuations
Laura Kemp is a local market specialist in Victoria Beach, Hillside Beach, Albert Beach, Belair, Traverse Bay, Grand Marais and Grand Beach.
When you need an appraisal for a recent purchase or for a division of assets or declaration of principal residence and capital gains, trust a local's expertise.
And weekend appraisal inspections are available for cottage owners.

Our Commitment
All reports performed by an Appraisal Institute of Canada CRA designated member (no students or Candidates).
Reports include interior and exterior pictures, floor plan, detailed description and accurate market value.
Kemp Appraisal will ensure your appraisal deadlines are met.
45 years of preparing appraisals in Winnipeg and surrounding rural areas.
Reports delivered electronically within 3 business days of inspection.